The Myths of Vaping

The Myths of Vaping

Vaping has a negative press with the current society believing many things about the harmfulness of vaping. Many myths are going round that vaping isn't actually as safe as smoking, or vaping is a gateway to other drugs, so today I'm here to debunk the myths and bring you the truth of vaping.

Myth 1 - "Vaping is as harmful as cigarettes."

Vaping is often used to get off smoking since it is a healthier way, but there are some rumours that vaping is as dangerous as smoking, if not worse. This is not true.

The parts of cigarettes that cause cancer (or the carcinogens) is the tar and the carbon monoxide found in the tobacco. Vapes do not contain these ingredients. Even the tobacco flavoured e-liquids only use tobacco flavourings rather than actual tobacco. Public Health England, an executive agency from the Department of Health and Social Care, have stated that "E-cigarettes are 95% safer than smoked tobacco and they can help smokers quit", debunking the myth.

Myth 2 - "The nicotine is the harmful part of vaping."

Four out of 10 smokers and ex-smokers mistakenly assume that the nicotine in the cigarettes is the cause of smoking-related cancer, even though there is evidence to oppose this. 

While nicotine is the reason people get addicted to vaping, it is the other chemicals in cigarettes that causes almost all the harm. As mentioned above, e-cigarettes do not contain tar or carbon monoxide. It does contain some of the other chemicals found in cigarette smoke, but at much smaller and less fatal levels.

Myth 3 - "Second-hand vapour is harmful."

It is widely known that second hand smoke is harmful to bystanders, which is why there are many bans on smoking in public places and workplaces. Some of these laws don't apply to vaping, and people are free to make their own vape laws for the workplace.

E-Liquid is composed of flavourings, VG/PG and nicotine, which is vaporized without side-stream vapour being emitted to the atmosphere. Only the non-toxic aerosol is exhaled into the air.

Public Health England found that there is currently no known health risks of passive vaping to bystanders, though people with respiratory conditions can be sensitive to any irritants, which organisations should take into account when making their own policies.

Myth 4 - "Vaping gives you popcorn lung."

One common misconception is that vaping can give you popcorn lung. Popcorn lung is the nickname for bronchiolitis obliterans, a lung disease caused by exposure of high levels of the chemical diacetyl, often used in buttery foods like popcorn. It got its name since it was initially observed by workers in a popcorn factory.

Vaping is believed to cause it since some e-liquids contained diacetyl to provide a buttery flavour, however the use of diacetyl has recently been banned as an ingredient in e-liquids. It had been detected in the past in some e-liquids, but at a minimal, non-lethal risk.

Myth 5 - "Vape products are unregulated."

The UK currently has some of the strictest vape laws in the world. Each brand has to follow the TPD laws, which came into effect back in 2016. These laws stated that an e-liquid containing nicotine could not be more than 10ml, and a tank could be no more than 2ml capacity. 

All e-liquids are submitted to the UK Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for testing, with every ingredient listed. That way, you can be sure that all Moreish Puff products are thoroughly regulated.

Myth 6 - "Vapor contains formaldehyde."

The New England Medical Journal gave vaping a negative press by claiming that formaldehyde forms as e-liquid is vaporised. Formaldehyde has been shown to cause various types of cancer, including leukemia. 

The claim was quickly debunked by vapors. The temperature at which glycol is broken down into formaldehyde is actually far higher than the temperature that any e-cigarette can reach, meaning it is impossible for formaldehyde to form.

Professor Michael Siegel of the Boston University School of Public Health managed to disprove this by proving glycol does not evolve into anything at vaping temperatures. Special modifications would need to be made to the mod to get this to happen and, even then, the vape would produce a dry hit, so no-one would want to do it.

Myth 7 - "Vape batteries explode."

This one isn't actually a myth, but it is much less common than what some people are lead to believe. The batteries have been known to vent, ignite or explode if used incorrectly, but in reality, they are as dangerous as the battery used in your smart phone.

When a battery is used correctly, it will not explode. Any vaper who uses a mod or external battery should know the correct way to use, maintain, store and transport it, with most retailers giving a thorough description on battery safety.

Myth 8 - "E-Cigarettes lead young people into smoking."

This myth commonly comes up, but is entirely untrue. While some young people are experimenting with vaping, this is almost entirely people who already smoke, and regular use is very rare. Smoking rates for young people is also declining.

There is currently no evidence supporting the claim that vaping is "normalising smoking". As the rates of adult and youth vaping increased, the number of young people believing smoking is bad has also increased.

Myth 9 - "The vaping industry markets to kids."

The vape industry has come under fire for some e-liquid flavours and brands that seem to market to kids. While there have been e-liquid brands in the past using the same or very similar designs to candies or drinks that kids like, these have now been warned by the FDA for misleading kids, so these e-liquids aren't allowed anymore.

Some people say that the sweet and dessert flavours attract kids, without realising that adults like a good dessert too. In 2017, fruity vape flavours outsold tobacco and menthol flavours and, with buyers being adults, they must be the one enjoying fruity flavours.

Like many products, vapes have an age restriction, with over-18's being the only people who can buy vapes by law. We personally have an age restriction policy too and refuse to sell to under 18 year olds.

Myth 10 - "E-Liquids contain antifreeze."

One of the components of e-liquid is Propylene Glycol (PG). This is also used in antifreeze, which makes people believe that e-liquid contains antifreeze. If an e-liquid contains apples, that doesn't mean it's an apple pie flavour. 

Ironically, PG is actually added to antifreeze to make it less harmful if it is swallowed, debunking the myth even more.


Now you should know the truth behind the myths of vaping, so you can be sure that you're safe. Stay Moreish!

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